Rebrand + Website Development


Bristol-based Thresholds is the UK’s leading affordable and effective career support programme provider. They have helped thousands of women to reach their career goals through tailored courses and mentoring support services.

With their brand identity needing a refresh, we were commissioned to evolve Threshold's existing logo and branding and design and build a new website using a Drupal Content Management System (CMS) which would integrate with their course-providing App.

Thresholds Branding by Inventive Design

A New Brand Identity

The aim was clear: Thresholds wanted a modern and approachable identity that highlighted the benefits of their services and inspired women with the promise of making a significant impact and driving meaningful change in their careers.

In our exploration, we delved into the heart of their organisational culture and how they facilitate genuine transformation for individuals and organisations.

Our talented Graphic Designers began by crafting various initial logo design concepts, each reflecting different aspects of the client's vision. After presenting these concepts to the client, they carefully reviewed and discussed the options, ultimately narrowing them down to one logo that best represented their brand. 

We collaborated closely with the client to make a few final tweaks and adjustments, this iterative process included refining elements such as colour schemes, and graphic details and creating a suite of illustrations which both complimented and enhanced their new brand identity.

Thresholds Logo Design Proposals by Inventive Design
Thresholds Branding by Inventive Design

Website Design

The rebrand coincided with the need for a new website, so our Web Design team was tasked with designing a site that reflected the client's new brand identity, inspired and informed visitors and enabled them to quickly and easily find all the info they required.

The new website uses white space to create a clean and minimal aesthetic, highlighting the inspiring illustrations which our Graphic Designers had created and enhancing the overall User Interface (UI).

Thresholds Bespoke Website Design on Mobile by Inventive

Drupal Website Development

The creation of the new website provided us with the perfect opportunity to develop a robust and customised Content Management System (CMS) using Drupal. This tailored CMS gives the client enhanced control over both the appearance and content of their website, ensuring seamless management and flexibility for their online presence.

Regular events are an important aspect of Thresholds business and with the data for each event previously needing to be entered separately on the client's App and website, publishing them had been a tedious and time-consuming process. Our developers' worked with Thresholds App providers to streamline this process, the new website consumes the events API directly from the App, meaning they only need to update events in the App and the changes are automatically reflected on the website as well.

Launch Thresholds Website

Thresholds Website Design and Development by Inventive
Thresholds Website Design and Development by Inventive

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